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Inyo-Mono Title Company

Inyo-Mono Title Company | Section 2924f(b)(8)(E) Satisfaction
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Section 2924f(b)(8)(E) Satisfaction

Per Section 2924f(b)(8)(E) of CA Civil Section as provided in Senate Bill 1079 This website will be maintained regularly and include a telephone number free of charge and available 24/7 along with up-to-date information about sales dates and postponements; Amount of most recent and highest bid; and The Trustee’s Address.

Trustee’s Address
Inyo-Mono Title Company
873 North Main Street
Bishop, CA 93514


No Later than 48 hours after the Trustee’s Sale deemed not final, the following information shall be made available on the internet website for 45 days: The date of the Trustee’s Sale, The amount of first and highest bid, an address at which the Trustee can receive documents. The provided information must be available in association with a file number.

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